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03/24/2024 8:14pm
 THIS DECLARATION  OF COVENANTS,  EASEMENTS,  CONDITIONS  AND RESTRICTIONS  (the "Declaration") is  made as of the 16th day of April, 1996,  by Taylor Road  Associates, an Ohio joint venture  ("Developer")  .
A. Developer  is the  owner  of  the  real  property  more  fully described  in Exhibit  A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated  herein.
B. Developer  desires  to  develop  the  Property  into  a residential  subdivision,  and  to restrict  the use and occupancy  of the Property  for the protection  of the Property  and the  future owners  of the Property.
C. Developer  declares  that  all of the Property  shall be held, developed,  encumbered, leased,  occupied,  improved,  used,  and conveyed  subject  to the following covenants,  easements, conditions  and restrictions,  which are for the purpose  of protecting  the value and desirability of, and which shall run with, the Property and be binding upon and inure to the benefit of all parties now or hereafter  having any right, title or  interest in the Property or any part thereof, their  heirs, successors  and assigns.   Each grantee of any right, title or interest in the Property  or in any lot or other part thereof, by acceptance of a conveyance  shall be deemed to have covenanted  and agreed for itself and its successors,  assigns, heirs and legal representatives,  to be bound  by and comply with the terms  of this Declaration  and  to  own,  hold,  improve,  encumber,  sell and occupy  such interest in the Property subject to and in accordance  with this Declaration.
A. "Annual  Assessment" - amount  to  be  paid  to  the  Association  by  each  Owner annually.
B. "Assessments” - collectively referring to Annual Assessments, Lot Assessments and Special Assessments.
C. ”Association" -  Taylor  Ridge  East  Association,   Inc.,  an  Ohio  non-profit corporation,  its successors and assigns.
D. "Association  Documents” - the articles of incorporation, code of regulations and any and all procedures, rules, regulations or policies adopted by the Association.
E. "Board" - the board of trustees of the Association.
F. "Common Expenses” - expenses incurred in maintaining the Common Property.
G. "Common  Property"  - all real or personal property,  or any interest  therein, now or hereafter  acquired,  pursuant  to  this Declaration  or otherwise,  and owned  by the Association  for the common  use and the enjoyment  of the Owners.
H. "Developer"  - Taylor  Road  Associates  and  any  manager,  general  partner, shareholder, successor or assign thereof to which Developer specifically assigns any of its rights under this Declaration by a written instrument.
I. "Entrance Feature Area" - the entrance features described in Article IX, Paragraph E.
J. "Improvements" - all buildings, outbuildings  and garages;  overhead,  aboveground and  underground  installations,  including  without  limitation,  utility  facilities  and  systems,  lines, pipes,  wires,  towers,  cables,  conduits,  poles,  antennae  and satellite dishes;  flagpoles;  swimming pools and tennis courts; slope and drainage alterations;  roads, driveways,  uncovered  parking  areas and other  paved  areas;  fences,  trellises,  walls, retaining  walls, exterior  stairs,  decks,  patios  and porches;  planted trees,  hedges,  shrubs and other  forms of landscaping  that are more than 30 feet high when fully grown;  and all other structures of every type.
K. "Lot" - a discrete  parcel  of real property  identified upon the recorded  subdivision plat  of  the  Property,  or  recorded  re-subdivision  thereof  and  any  other  discrete  parcel  of  real property  designated  by  Developer,  excluding  the  Common  Property  and  any  portion  of  the Property dedicated  for public  use.
L. "Lot Assessment"  an assessment  that the Board may levy against one or more Lots to  reimburse  the  Association  for  costs  incurred  on  behalf  of  those  Lot(s),  including  without limitation,  costs  associated  with making repairs  that  are the responsibility  of the Owner of those Lots;  costs  of  additional  insurance  premiums  specifically  allocable  to  an  Owner;  costs  of  any utility expenses  chargeable  to an Owner  but not separately  billed by the utility company; and all other charges reasonably  determined  to be a Lot Assessment  by the Board.
M. "Manager” - the person or entity retained by the Board to assist in the management of the Association as set forth in Article IV, Paragraph F.
N. "Member"  -  any person  or  entity  entitled  to  membership  in the  Association,  as provided  for in Article III.
O. "Owner" - the record owner,  whether one or more persons or entities,  of fee simple title to a Lot, including contract sellers,  but excluding those having an interest merely as security for performance  of an obligation and also excluding the Developer.
P. "Property" - all of the real property described in Exhibit A attached hereto and
Such additional property as may be annexed by amendment to this Declaration, or that is owned in fee simple by the Association, together with all easements and appurtenances.
Q. "Reserve Fund" - the fund established pursuant to Article V.
R. "Rules” - the rules and regulations governing use of the Property and the Common
Property, as may be established by the Board from time to time pursuant to Article IV.
S. "Special Assessment" - an assessment levied by the Association against all Lots pursuant to Article V or at a special meeting of the Members of the Association to pay for capital expenditures or interest expense on indebtedness incurred for the purpose of making capital expenditures and not projected to be paid out of the Reserve Fund.
T. "State" - the State of Ohio.
U. "Turnover Date" - the date described in Article V, Paragraph C.
The covenants, easements, conditions and restrictions contained in this Declaration are declared to be in furtherance of the following purposes:
A. Compliance with all zoning and similar governmental regulations;
B. Promotion of the health, safety and welfare of all Owners and residents of the Property;
C. Preservation, beautification and maintenance of the Property and all Improvements; and
D. Establishment of requirements for the development and use of the Property.
A. Membership.  Every Owner shall be deemed to have a membership in the Association. Membership is a right appurtenant to and inseparable from an Owner's fee simple title in a Lot, and such right of membership shall automatically transfer to any transferee of fee simple title to a Lot at the time such title is conveyed or at such time as a land installment contract is entered for the conveyance of fee simple title. The foregoing is not intended to include persons who hold an interest merely as security for the performance of an obligation, and the giving of a security interest or mortgage shall not terminate an Owner's membership. No Owner, whether one or more persons, shall have more than one membership per Lot owned.  In the event an Owner consists of more than one person, such persons shall have one membership in the Association in common.
B. Governance. Voting and all other matters regarding the governance and operation of the Association shall be set forth in the Association Documents.
A. Common Property.  Developer may, from time to time, at Developer's option, convey to the Association for the use and benefit of the Association and the Members real or personal property, or any interest therein, as part of the Common Property in the nature of an easement appurtenant to the Property.  The Association shall accept title to any interest in any real or personal property, or any interest therein, transferred to it by Developer. The Association, subject to the rights of the Owners set forth in this Declaration and the Association Documents, shall be responsible for the exclusive management and control of the Common Property, if any, and all improvements thereon, and shall keep it in good, clean, attractive, and sanitary condition, order, and repair, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Declaration.  The Association may establish rules and regulations governing the use of the Common Property.
B. Personal Property and Real Property for Common Use.  The Association may acquire, hold, mortgage and dispose of tangible and intangible personal property and real property in addition to that property conveyed to it by Developer.
C. Cost-Sharing Agreements. The  Association  may  enter  into  cost-sharing agreements with other home owners associations pursuant to which the Association agrees to share in the cost of  Maintaining ,repairing and replacing entranceway features, landscaping ,storm water  retention facilities, mounding, fencing and  any other  improvements that  benefit the Property.
D. Rules and Regulations. The Association may make and enforce reasonable rules and regulations governing the use of the Property, which shall be consistent with this Declaration and the Association Documents. The Association shall have the power to impose sanctions on Owners, including without limitation:  (i) reasonable monetary fines which shall be considered Lot Assessments, (ii) suspension of the right to vote as a Member of the Association, and (iii) suspension of the right to use the Common Property.  In addition, the Board shall have the power to seek relief in any court  for violations  or to abate unreasonable disturbances. If  the Board expends  funds  for  attorneys'  fees  or  litigation  expenses  in  connection  with  enforcing  this Declaration,  the Association  Documents  or the Rules against any Owner,  tenant,  guest or invitee of any Owner,  the amount shall be due and payable by such Owner and shall be a Lot Assessment against such Owner's Lot.
E. Implied Rights.  The Association  may exercise any other right or privilege given to it expressly  by the  laws  of  the  State  and  this  Declaration,  and  every  other  right  or  privilege reasonably  implied from  the existence  of  any right  or  privilege  granted  in this  Declaration,  or reasonably necessary to effect any such right or privilege .
F. Managing Agent.  The Board may retain and employ on behalf of the Association a Manager, which may be Developer, and may delegate to the Manager such duties as the Board might otherwise be authorized or obligated to perform.   The compensation of the Manager shall be a Common Expense.  The term of any management agreement  shall not exceed three years and shall allow for termination by either party,  without cause, and without  penalty, upon no more than 90 days’ prior written notice.
G. Insurance
  1. The Association shall be required to obtain and maintain adequate blanket property insurance, liability insurance and flood insurance covering all of the Common Property in an amount as is commonly required by prudent institutional mortgage investors.
  2. The Association  may,  in the  Board's  discretion,  obtain  and  maintain the following  insurance:    (a) fidelity bond  coverage  and  workers'  compensation  insurance  for  all officers,  directors,  board  members  and  employees  of  the  Association  and  all  other  persons handling or responsible for handling  funds of the Association,  (b) adequate  comprehensive general liability insurance,  (c) officers'  and  trustees'  liability  insurance  to  fund  the  obligations  of  the Association  under  Section VI.A.,   (d)  additional  insurance  against  such  other  hazards  and casualties as is required by law,  and (e) any other insurance the Association deems necessary.
    3.  In the  event  of  damage  or  destruction  of  any  portion  of  the  Common Property,  the Association  shall promptly  repair  or replace  the same,  to the extent  that  insurance proceeds  are available.   Each Owner hereby appoints the Association as its attorney-in-fact for such purpose. If such  proceeds  are  insufficient to  cover  the cost  of the repair  or  replacement, then the Association may levy a Special Assessment  pursuant  to Section  V to cover the additional costs .
H. Condemnation. The Association   shall represent the Owners in any condemnation proceedings  or  in negotiations,  settlements  and agreements  with the  condemning  authority  for acquisition  of the Common  Property,  or any portion  thereof.  Each Owner hereby appoints the Association  as  its attorney-in-fact   for such  purpose.  The  awards  or  proceeds  of  any condemnation action shall be payable to the Association, to be held in trust for the benefit of the Owners.
I. Books, Records.   Upon reasonable  request  of any Member,  the Association  shall be required  to  make  available  for inspection  all books,  records  and  financial statements  of the Association.
A. Reserve  Fund. The  Board  may  establish  a  Reserve  Fund  for  financing  the operation  of  the  Association,  for  paying  necessary  costs  and  expenses  of  operating  the Association  and repairing and maintaining the Common  Property.
B. Types of Assessments.  The Developer,  for each Lot owned, covenants  and agrees, and each Owner,  by accepting  a deed  to a Lot,  is deemed  to covenant  and agree,  to  pay to the Association  the  following  assessments: (i) Annual  Assessments;  (ii) Special  Assessments;  and (iii) Lot  Assessments. No  Owner  may  gain  exemption  from  liability  for  any  Assessment  by waiving or  foregoing  the  use or enjoyment  of any of the  Common  Property  or  by abandoning his/her Lot.  Annual and Special Assessments shall be fixed at a uniform rate for all Lots.
C. Annual Assessments.   The Board  shall annually  estimate  the Common  Expenses and the expenses,  if any, it expects the Association  to incur in the Association's  next ensuing fiscal year  for  the  maintenance,  operation  and  management  of  the  Association,  (which  may include amounts, if any, for the Reserve Fund -- as may be determined  by the Board) and shall assess each Owner  of a Lot  an Annual  Assessment  equal  to  such  estimated  expenses  divided  by the  total number  of Lots.   The Annual Assessments shall be paid in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Rules.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing  to the contrary  (i) prior to January  l,  1997 in no event  shall the Annual Assessments  for each Lot exceed  $50.00; and (ii) prior to the date that Developer  relinquishes  its right to  appoint  members  of the  Board  as set forth in the  Association Documents  (the  "Turnover  Date"),  Developer  may  elect  to  pay  the  Annual  Assessments applicable  to Lots owned  by Developer  or in lieu thereof,  not pay such Annual Assessments  and pay any deficit incurred  in operating the Association.
D. Special  Assessments.    The  Board  may  levy  against  any  Lot(s)  a  Special Assessment  to pay for capital expenditures  or  interest  expense  on indebtedness  incurred  for  the purpose  of making  capital expenditures  and not  projected  to  be paid  out  of the  Reserve  Fund; provided  that  any such assessment  shall have the assent of two-thirds  (2/3) of Members who are voting  in person  or  by proxy  at  a meeting  duly  called  for  this  purpose.  Written notice of any meeting called for the purpose of levying a Special Assessment shall be sent to all Members not less than 30 days or more than 60 days in advance of the meeting.  A quorum must be present at any such meeting.
E. Lot Assessments.   The Board  may levy a Lot  Assessment  against  any Lot(s)  and the  Owner(s)  thereof  to  reimburse  the  Association  for  costs  incurred  on  behalf of the  Lot(s). including without  limitation, costs associated with making repairs that are the responsibility of the Owner;  costs  of additional  insurance  premiums  specifically allocable  to  an Owner;  costs  of any utility expenses chargeable  to an Owner  but not separately  billed by the utility company; and all other  fines and charges  reasonably  determined  to be a Lot  Assessment  by the Board.   Upon its determination to levy a Lot Assessment, the Board shall give the affected Owner(s) written notice and the right to be heard by the Board or a duly appointed committee thereof in connection with such Lot Assessment, 10 days prior to the effective date of the levy of any Lot Assessment.  The Board  may levy a Lot  Assessment  in the  nature  of a fine reasonably  determined  by the Board against the Lot of any Owner who violates the Rules, the Association  Documents  or any provision of this Declaration,  or who suffers or permits his/her family members,  guests,  invitees or tenants to violate such Rules, the Association  Documents, or provisions of this Declaration.
F. Remedies.
     1. Late Charge  Acceleration.  If any Assessment  remains unpaid for  10 days after  all or any part thereof  shall become due and payable,  the Board  may charge  interest at the lesser  of the  rate  of  12% per  annum  or  the  highest  rate  permitted  by  law,  together  with  an administrative  collection charge of $25.
     2. Liability for Unpaid Assessments.   Each  Assessment  or  installment of an Assessment,  together  with  interest  thereon  and  any  costs  of  collection,  including  reasonable attorneys'  fees shall become  the personal  obligation of the  Owner(s)  beginning  on the  date  the Assessment  or  installment  thereof  becomes  due  and  payable.   The  Board  may  authorize  the Association  to  institute  an  action  at  law  on  behalf of  the  Association  against  the  Owner(s) personally obligated to pay any delinquent assessment.  An Owner's personal obligation for a Lot's delinquent  Assessments  shall also be the  personal  obligation  of his/her  successors  in title  who acquire  an interest  after  any Assessment  becomes  due  and  payable  and  both  such  Owner  and his/her  successor  in  title  shall  be jointly  and  severally  liable  therefor. Except  as  otherwise provided  herein,  the  transfer  of an  interest  in a Lot  shall neither  impair  the  Association's  lien against that Lot for any delinquent Assessment  nor prohibit the Association  from foreclosing that lien.
     3. Liens.   All unpaid  Assessments,  together  with  any  interest  and  charges thereon  or costs of collection,  shall constitute  a continuing charge in favor of the Association  and a lien on the Lot against which the Assessment was levied.  If any Assessment  remains unpaid for IO  days  after  it  is due,  then  the  Board  may authorize  any officer  or  appointed  agent  of  the Association to file a certificate of lien for all or any part of the unpaid balance of that Assessment, together  with interest and costs, with the appropriate  governmental  office containing a description of the Lot which the lien encumbers,  the name(s) of the Owner(s)  of that Lot,  the amount of the unpaid  portion  of  the  Assessment,  and  such  other  information  as  the  laws  of  the  State  may require.   The  certificate  may  be  signed  by  any  officer,  authorized  agent  or  Manager  of  the Association.    Upon  the  filing  of  the  certificate,  the  subject  Lot  shall  be  encumbered  by  a continuing lien in favor of the Association.  The Assessment  lien shall remain valid for a period of five years from the date  such certificate  is duly filed, unless the lien is released  earlier or satisfied in the same manner provided  by the law of the State  for the release and satisfaction  of mortgages on  real  property,  or  unless  the  lien  is discharged  by the  final judgment  or  order  of  any  court having jurisdiction.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing, the lien for Assessments provided for in this Section shall be subordinate to the lien of any bona fide first mortgage on a Lot.
     4. Vote  on  Association   Matters;   Use  of  Common   Property. If  any Assessment  remains unpaid  for 30 days  after it becomes due, then the delinquent  Owner's  voting rights upon Association  matters  and privileges to use the Common  Property,  except for necessary ingress and egress to his/her Lot, shall be suspended until such Assessment  is paid.

A. Maintenance by Association.   The  Association  shall maintain  and  keep  in good repair  the  Common  Property  and  Landscape  Easement  Area.   This  maintenance  shall  include, without  limitation,  maintenance,  repair,  and  replacement  of  all  landscaping  and  other  flora, structures,  and improvements  situated  upon the Common  Property  and all personal  property  used in connection  with the operation  of the Common  Property.
B. Maintenance  by Owner. Each  Owner  or  occupant  shall  repair,  replace,  and maintain in good order and condition,  at his/her expense, his/her Lot all portions thereof, all improvements  thereto,  and  all  structures  thereon,  and,  equipment  and  components  used  in connection  with,  his/her  Lot. This  maintenance  responsibility  includes,  without  limitation, promptly  furnishing all necessary  materials  and performing  or causing  to be performed  at his/her own expense  all maintenance,  repairs  and replacements  within  such Lot  that,  if omitted,  would adversely affect the safety and usefulness  of the Common  Property.   Each  Owner  shall maintain those  portions  of  his/her  Lot  that  are  adjacent  to  any  portion  of  the  Common  Property  in accordance  with the Rules and the requirements  set forth in this Declaration.
  C. Right of Association to Repair Lot.  If any Owner  fails to maintain his/her Lot and all improvements  situated  thereon  in the manner required herein,  and if the Board determines  that any  maintenance  of that  Lot  is necessary  to  ensure  public  safety,  to  permit  reasonable  use  or enjoyment of the Common  Property  by Owners,  to prevent damage  to or destruction  of any other part of the Common  Property  or to comply with the Rules or the terms of this Declaration,  then the  Board  may authorize  its employees  or  agents  to  enter  the  Lot  at  any  reasonable  time  to complete  the necessary  maintenance  and the Board  may levy a Lot Assessment  for all reasonable expenses incurred.
  D. Damage to Common Property by Owner or Occupant.  If the Common Property is damaged by any Owner or occupant, his/her family, guests, or invitees, then the Board may levy a Lot Assessment against such Owner for the cost of repairing or replacing the damaged property. The  Association shall  be  entitled to  enter  a Lot  to  repair  or  maintain  any  Common Property adjacent  to such Lot.
 All Property at any time subject to this Declaration shall be governed and controlled by this Article.
  A. Design Review Board.  The Design Review Board shall be a board consisting of three (3) persons.  Until the Turnover Date, Developer shall have the sole and exclusive right to appoint and remove all three members of  the Design Review Board at will.  After the Turnover Date, the Board shall have the right to appoint all three members to the Design Review Board at will.  The Design Review Board shall have the exclusive authority,  by action of two  or more of the members thereof, at a private or public meeting to determine the architectural  standards  which shall govern  the  construction  of  Improvements  on  the  Property. Each  Owner  covenants  and agrees  by acceptance  of  a deed  to  a Lot,  to  comply  with,  and  to  cause  his/her  Lot  and  any occupant  thereof to comply  with the standards  promulgated  by the Design  Review  Board.   No Improvement  shall be placed, erected  or  installed on the Property,  no construction  (which term shall include in its definition staking,  clearing,  excavation,  grading and other  site  work)  and no plantings or  removal  of plants,  trees  or  shrubs  shall be permitted  without,  until and unless the Owner  first  obtains  the  written  approval  thereof  of  the  Design  Review  Board  and  otherwise complies with the provisions of this Declaration.
  B. Modifications. Except  as otherwise  provide  in this Declaration,  the Design Review Board shall have jurisdiction over all construction, modifications, additions or alterations of Improvements on or to the Property.  No person  shall construct  any Improvement  on any Lot, including  without  limitation,  alter  surfaces  of  existing  Improvements,  change  paint  colors  or roofing materials, construct  or modify fencing, or install any recreational  device, without  the prior written  consent  of  the  Design  Review  Board. Owners  shall  submit  plans  and  specifications showing  the  nature,  kind,  shape,  color,  size,  materials  and  location  of  Improvements  and alterations  to  the  Design  Review  Board  for  its  approval.  Nothing contained  herein shall be construed to limit the right of an Owner to remodel or decorate the interior of his/her residence.
  C. Variances. To  avoid  unnecessary  hardship  and/or  to  overcome   practical difficulties in the application  of the provisions  of this Declaration,  the Design Review Board shall have  the authority to grant reasonable variances from the provisions  of Article Vlll,  provided that the activity  or condition  is  not prohibited  by applicable  law;  and provided  further  that,  in their judgment,  the  variance  is in the best  interest  of the  community  and  is within  the  spirit  of  the standards  of  the  Design  Review  Board.   No  variance  granted  pursuant  to  this  Section  shall constitute  a waiver  of any  provision  of this Declaration  as applied  to  any other  person  or  any other part of the Property.
  D. Improvements by Developer.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing  to  the  contrary,  all Improvements  and  landscaping  constructed   by  the  Developer  or  its  partners,  members  or shareholders  shall  be  deemed  to  comply  in  all respects  with  the  requirements  of  the  Design Review Board.
 The following restrictions and covenants concerning the use and  occupancy of the Property shall run with the land and be binding upon the Developer and every Owner or occupant, their heirs, successors and assigns, as well as their family members, guests, and invitees.
  A. Use of Lots.  Except as otherwise permitted herein, each Lot shall be occupied and used exclusively for single-family, residential purposes and purposes customarily incidental to a residence.  No building shall be erected, altered, placed or permitted on any lot other than one single-family dwelling not exceeding two and one-half stories, together with an attached private garage for not less than two cars.
  B. Use of Common Property.   The Common Property may be used only in accordance with the purposes for which they are intended and for any reasonable purposes incidental to the residential use of a Lot.  All uses of the Common Property shall benefit or promote the health, safety, welfare, convenience, comfort, recreation, and enjoyment of the Owners and occupants, and shall comply with the provisions of this Declaration, the laws of the State, and the Rules.
  C. Hazardous Actions or Materials.  Nothing shall be done or kept in any Lot or in or on any portion of the Common Property that is unlawful or hazardous, that might reasonably be expected to increase the cost of casualty or public liability insurance covering the Common Property or that might unreasonably disturb the quiet occupancy of any person residing on any other Lot.   This paragraph shall not be construed so as to prohibit the Developer from construction activities consistent with its residential construction practices.
  D. Signs.  No signs of any character shall be erected, posted or displayed upon the Property, except:  (i) marketing signs installed by the Developer while marketing the Lots and residences for  sale; (ii) street  and  identification signs installed by  the  Association or  the Developer; and (iii) one temporary real estate  sign not  to  exceed five square feet in  area advertising that such Lot is for sale.
  E. Animals. No person may keep, breed, board or raise any animal, livestock, reptile, or poultry of any kind for breeding or other commercial purpose on any Lot, or in or upon any part of the Common Property, unless expressly permitted by the Rules.
  F. Nuisances.  No noxious or offensive trade shall be permitted on the Property or within any dwelling located on the Property.
  G. Business.  No industry, business, trade, occupation or profession of any kind may be conducted, operated or established on the Property, without the prior written approval of the Board.
  H. Storage.  No open storage of any kind is permitted.  No storage buildings of any Kind is permitted, including without limitation, sheds or barns.
  I. Hotel/Transient Uses:  Leases.   No Lot  may be used  for  hotel  or  transient  uses, including without limitation, uses in which the occupant  is provided customary  hotel services such as room  service  for  food  and  beverage,  maid  service,  furnishing  laundry  and  linen, or  similar services,  or leases to roomers  or boarders.  All leases shall be in writing and shall be subject to this Declaration.
  J. Vehicle. The  Board  shall  be  entitled  to  create  and  enforce  reasonable  rules concerning  the parking  of  any vehicle  permitted  in the  Common  Property.   In addition  to  its authority  to  levy Lot  (except  in an  enclosed  structure  shielded  from  view)  Assessments  as penalties for the violation of such rules, the Board shall be authorized  to cause the removal of any vehicle violating such rules.  No automobile  or motor-driven  vehicle shall be left upon or in front of a Lot for a period longer than seven (7) days in a condition wherein it is not able to be operated upon  the  public highway,  after  which  time  the  vehicle  shall  be considered  as  a  nuisance  and detrimental  to the welfare of the neighborhood  and shall be removed  from the Lot.  No trucks, commercial vehicles, boats,  trailers,  vans, campers,  motorcycles  or mobile homes shall be parked or stored on the street  or on any Lot (except in an enclosed structure  shielded from view) for any time  period  longer  than  five (5)  days  in any  thirty  (30)  day  period,  provided,  however,  that nothing  contained  herein shall prohibit  the reasonable  use of such vehicles as may be necessary during construction  of residences on the Lots. The  word  "trailer"  shall  include  trailer  coach,  house  trailer,  mobile  home, automobile  trailer,  camp  car,  camper  or  any  other  vehicle,  whether  or  not  self-propelled, constructed  or  existing  in such  a manner  as  would  permit  use  and  occupancy  thereof,  or  for storage  or  the conveyance  of machinery, tools  or  equipment,  whether  resting  on wheels, jacks, tires or other  foundation.   The word “truck" shall include and mean every type of motor  vehicle other  than passenger cars and other  than any light pickup  truck  which is used as an automobile vehicle by an Owner or a member of an Owner's family.
  K. Trash.  Except for the reasonably necessary activities of the Developer during the original development of the Property, no burning or storage of trash of any kind shall be permitted on the Property.  All trash shall be deposited in covered, sanitary containers, screened from view.
  L. Antennae.   No  outside  television  or  radio  aerial  or  antenna,  or  other  aerial or antenna,  including satellite receiving dishes, for reception  or transmission,  shall be maintained on the Property  except for satellite receiving dishes 24" in diameter or smaller which are out of view of the street.
  M. Utility Lines.  All utility lines on the Property shall be underground, subject to the requirements of relevant governmental authorities and utility companies.
  N. Tanks.  No tanks for the storage of propane gas or fuel oil shall be permitted to be located above or beneath the ground of any Lot except that propane gas grills are permitted.
  O. Street Tree.  Developer may designate one (1) or more trees as deemed necessary by Developer along the street in front of each Lot.   If Developer determines to designate tree(s) then the Lot Owners agree to such uniform street trees.  Each Lot Owner shall care for, and, if necessary, replace such tree or trees at the Lot Owner's expense with a like type of tree.
  P. Mailbox.  Developer may designate a curb side mailbox for each Lot with a design in giving uniformity to the subdivision.  Each mailbox shall have the street numbers for the Lot on such mailbox.  If the mailbox  is damaged, destroyed  or deteriorates,  then each Lot Owner, at such Lot  Owner's  expense,  shall repair  or  replace  such  mailbox with  another  of a like kind,  design, pattern and color as the initial mailbox.
  Q. Yard Lights and Lamp Posts.  All yard lights and lamp posts shall conform to the standards set forth by the Design Review Board.
  R. Fencing.  No fence, wall,  hedge, tree or shrub which obstructs  sight lines between the heights of two and six feet shall be placed on any comer  lot nearer than twenty-five  (25) feet from  the intersection  of the  centerlines  of two  streets  or  alleys,  or  so  to  obstruct  the  view  of traffic  approaching  the  intersection.   The same sight-line limitations shall apply to plantings or structures near points where a driveway enters a street. No chain link, plastic or metal fences shall be constructed and/or permitted on the subject lots.  All fencing or walls shall be constructed of wood or stone.  Walls may not exceed the height of four (4) feet.  Fences shall not exceed the height of six (6) feet.  Wire mesh fencing is permitted only on the interior side of a rail fence; provided, said mesh does not exceed the height of the existing wood fence.
  S. Swimming Pools.  No above ground  swimming pool extending twelve inches (12") or  more  above  the  finished grade  of the  Lot  shall  be permitted  upon  any Lot  except  that  this Article VIII,  Paragraph  S shall not be intended  to prohibit the installation  of a hot tub or sauna.
  T. Temporary Structures.   No  structure  of a temporary  character,  trailer,  basement, tent,  shack,  garage,  barn  or  other  outbuilding  shall be  used  on  the  Property  at any  time as  a residence,  either temporarily  or permanently.
  U. General Grading.  No construction,  grading or other  improvements  shall be made to  any Lot  if such improvement  would  interfere  with or otherwise  alter the general grading  and drainage plan of the Property  or any existing swales,  floodways,  or other drainage configuration.
  V. Clothesline.  No clotheslines shall be located on any Lot except for a removable folding umbrella type placed in the rear of the Lot not higher than seven (7) feet from the ground. No more than one removal folding umbrella type may be used on each Lot.  No laundry shall be hung on Sundays or holidays.
  A. Easement of Access and Enjoyment over Common Property.  Every Owner shall have a right and easement  (in common with all other Owners) of enjoyment in, over, and upon the Common  Property,  and  a  right  of  access  to  and  from  his/her  Lot,  which  rights  shall  be appurtenant  to,  and shall pass with the title to, his/her Lot, subject to the terms and limitations set forth in this Declaration,  subject to the Rules.   An Owner may delegate his/her rights of access and enjoyment to family members, occupants, guests and invitees.
  B. Right of Entry for Repair.  The  duly authorized  agents,  officers, contractors,  and employees  of the  Association  shall have a right  of entry  and access  to  the  Property,  including without  limitation the Lots,  for the purpose  of performing  the Association's  rights or  obligations set  forth  in this  Declaration. The  Association  may enter  any  Lot  to  remove  or  correct  any violation  of  this  Declaration  or  the  Rules,  or  to  maintain,  repair,  and  replace  the  Common Property,  but only during  reasonable  hours  and after providing  seventy-two  (72) hours  advance notice to the Owner, except in cases of emergency.
  C. Easement for Utilities and Other Purposes.   The Board or Developer  may convey easements  over the Common  Property  to  any entity  for the  purpose  of constructing,  installing, maintaining,  and  operating  poles,  pipes,  conduit,  wires,  ducts,  cables,  and  other  equipment necessary  to  furnish electrical,  gas,  sewer,  water,  telephone,  cable television,  and  other  similar utility or security services, whether  of public or private nature, to the Property  and to any entity for  such  other  purposes  as  the  Board  or  Developer  deems  appropriate;  provided  that  such equipment  or  the  exercise  of  such  easement  rights  shall  not  unreasonably  interfere  with  the Owners'  use and enjoyment of the Property.  The Board or Developer  may grant such easements over all portions of the Property  for the benefit of adjacent properties  as the Board or Developer deems appropriate;  provided that the grant of such easements  imposes no undue, unreasonable,  or material burden or cost upon the Property; and further provided that the Board or Developer  may not convey any easement over a Lot  without  the prior written  consent  of the Owner of such Lot (which consent shall not be unreasonably  delayed or withheld).
  D. Easement for Services.   A non-exclusive easement  is hereby granted  to all police, firemen, ambulance operators,  mailmen, deliverymen, garbage  removal  personnel,  and all similar persons,  and to the local governmental  authorities  and the Association  (but  not to the public in general) to enter upon the Common  Property to perform their duties.
  E. Entry Feature.  An easement  is hereby reserved  in favor of the Developer  and the Association over, under and upon the cross-hatched  area shown on Exhibit B attached  hereto and made a part  hereof,  being a portion  of  Lots  l  and  47  of  the  Property  (the  "Entrance  Feature Area"),  to construct,  repair, reconstruct  and maintain an entry feature(s)  and other improvements . The easement shall run with the land and shall be binding on all future Owners of the Entrance Feature Area.  The Developer and the Association shall repair, reconstruct  and maintain such Entrance Feature Area as is reasonably deemed necessary by the Developer and Association.
  A. Term.   This  Declaration  shall bind and  run with  the  land  for a term  of  30 years from  and  after  the  date  that  this  Declaration  is  filed  for  recording  with  the  appropriate governmental  office and thereafter  shall automatically  renew  forever  for successive  periods  of 10 years each,  unless earlier terminated by a majority of the Members.
  B. Enforcement.   This Declaration  may be enforced  by any proceeding  at law or in equity  by  the  Developer,  any  Owner,  the  Association,  the  Design  Review  Board,  and  their respective  heirs, successors  and assigns, against any person(s)  violating,  or attempting  to violate, any covenant  or restriction,  to restrain  and/or  to enjoin  violation,  to obtain  a decree  for specific performance  as to removal of any nonconforming  Improvement,  and to recover  all damages, costs of enforcement  and  any other  costs  incurred  (including  without  limitation  reasonable  attorneys' fees).   Failure  of the Developer,  the Association  or  any Owner  to enforce  any provision  of this Declaration  or the Rules in any manner  shall not  constitute  a waiver  of any right to enforce  any violation of such provision.   By accepting  a deed  to a Lot,  each  Owner  is deemed to waive the defenses  of laches and statute of limitations  in connection  with the enforcement  by the Association of this Declaration  or the Rules.
  C. Amendments. Until the  Turnover  Date,  Developer  may, in its sole and absolute discretion,  unilaterally  amend  this  Declaration  at  any time  and  from time to  time,  without  the consent  of  any  other  Owners. Any  such  amendment  may  impose  covenants,  conditions, restrictions  and  easements  upon  the  Property  in  addition  to  those  set  forth  herein  including, without  limitation,  restrictions  on use and covenants  to pay additional  charges  with respect  to the maintenance  and  improvement  of  the  Property.    After  the  Turnover  Date,  Developer  may unilaterally amend this Declaration,  without  the consent  of any other  Owners,  if such amendment is:  (a) necessary to bring any provision  hereof into compliance  with any applicable governmental statute,  rule,  regulation  or  judicial  order,  (b)  necessary  to  enable  any  reputable  title insurance company  to  issue  title  insurance  coverage  on  the  Lots,  (c)  necessary  to  conform  to  the requirements  of United States  Federal Housing Administration,  or (d) necessary  to correct  errors; provided,  however,  any such amendment  shall not materially adversely affect the title to any Lot unless  the  Owner  thereof  has consented  to  such  amendment  in writing. No  amendment  may remove,  revoke,  or  modify  any right  or  privilege  of  Developer  without  the  written  consent  of Developer  or the assignee  of such right or privilege.   Developer  shall have the right and power, but neither the duty nor the obligation,  in its sole and absolute  discretion  and by its sole act,  to subject additional  property  to this Declaration  at any time and from time to time by executing  and recording  in the appropriate  governmental  office an amendment  to this Declaration  specifying  that such  additional  property  is part  of the  Property. An  amendment  to  this  Declaration  shall not require the joinder  or consent  of the Association,  other  Owners,  mortgagees  or any other person. In  addition,  such  amendments  to  the  Declaration  may  contain  such  supplementary,  additional, different,  new,  varied,  revised  or  amended  provisions  and  memberships  as may be necessary  or appropriate,  as determined  by Developer,  to reflect and address the different  character  or intended development  of any such additional  property.
  D. Developers Rights to Complete Development.   Developer  shall have the  right to: {a)  complete  the  development,  construction,  promotion,  marketing,  sale,  resale  and  leasing  of properties;  {b)  construct  or  alter  Improvements  on  any  property  owned  by  Developer;  (c) maintain  model  homes,  offices  for  construction,   sales  or  leasing  purposes,  storage  areas, construction yards or similar  facilities on any property  owned by Developer  or the Association;  or{d) post signs incidental  to the development,  construction,  promotion,  marketing,  sale and leasing of property  within the Property.   Further,  Developer  shall have  the right  of  ingress  and egress through  the  streets,  paths  and walkways  located  in the  Property  for  any  purpose  whatsoever, including, but not limited to,  purposes  related to the  construction,  maintenance  and operation  of Improvements.  Nothing contained in this Declaration  shall limit the rights of Developer or require Developer to obtain approval  to:  (i) excavate,  cut,  fill or grade any property  owned  by Developer or to construct,  alter, remodel, demolish or replace any Improvements on any Common  Property or any property  owned  by Developer  as a construction  office, model home or real estate  sales or leasing office in connection  with the  sale of any property;  or  {iii) require  Developer  to  seek or obtain the approval of the Association or the Design Review Board for any such activity or Improvement  on any Common  Property  or any property  owned  by Developer.   Nothing  in this Section  shall  limit or  impair  the  reserved  rights  of  Developer  as  elsewhere  provided  in this Declaration.
  E. Developers  Right to Re-plat Developer's  Property.  Developer  reserves  the right, at any time and from time to time,  to amend,  alter or re-plat any plat or development  plan and to amend any zoning ordinance  which affects all or any portion of the Property;  provided,  however, that only real property owned by Developer shall be the subject of any such amendment,  alteration or  re-platting.   Each Owner and Member and the Association,  for themselves and their successors and assigns, hereby consents to and approves any such amendment, alteration or re-platting and shall be deemed to have joined in the same.
  F. Indemnification.   The  Association  shall indemnify every officer and trustee  of the Association  against  any and all claims,  liabilities,  expenses,  including attorneys'  fees, reasonably incurred by or imposed  upon  any officer or trustee  in connection  with any action,  suit,  or other proceeding  (including settlement  of any suit or proceeding,  if approved  by the Board)  to  which he/she may be a party by reason  of being or having been an officer or trustee.   The officers and trustees shall not be liable for any mistake of judgment, negligent or otherwise.  Except for their own individual willful misconduct,  bad faith or gross negligence.  The officers and trustees  of the Association  shall have  no personal  liability with  respect  to  any contract  or  other  commitment made by them,  in good  faith,  on behalf of the Association  {except to the extent that  such officers or  trustees  may also be Members  of the Association),  and the  Association  shall indemnify and forever  hold each such officer and trustee  free from and harmless against  any and all liability to others  on account  of any such contract  or commitment.   Any right to indemnification provided herein shall not be exclusive of any other rights to which any officer or trustee, or former officer or trustee, may be entitled.
  G. Severability.   If any article,  section,  paragraph,  sentence,  clause  or  word  in this Declaration is held by a court of competent jurisdiction  to be in conflict with any law of the State, then the requirements  of such law shall prevail and the conflicting provision  or language  shall be deemed void in such circumstance; provided that the remaining provisions or language of this Declaration shall continue in full force and effect.
  H. Captions.  The caption of each Article, section and paragraph of this Declaration is inserted only as a matter of reference and does not define, limit or describe the scope or intent of the provisions of this Declaration.
  I. Notices. Notices to an Owner shall be given in writing, by personal delivery, at the Lot, if a residence has been constructed on such Lot, or by depositing such notice in the United States Mail, first class, postage prepaid, to the address of the Owner of the Lot as shown by the records of the Association, or as otherwise designated in writing by the Owner.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Developer has caused the execution of this Declaration as of the date first above written.
Signed and acknowledged in the presence of:  TAYLOR ROAD ASSOCIATES
An Ohio joint venture
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